LimeSDR-QPCIe Board Configuration
For DPD demonstration two transceiver channels are implemented in LimeSDR QPCIe board (named with channels A and B). Also, two power amplifiers are required that are connected to the two different transmit paths.
Hardware Configuration
Follow the steps explained below:
The LimeSDR QPCIe channel A output, the LimeSDR QPCIe LMS#1 TX1_1 port is connected to channel A PA#1 input.
For channel B, port LMS#1 TX2_1 port is used, and, it is connected to corresponding PA#2 input.
The output of one of the PAs is via RF attenuator connected to spectrum analyzer RF input. The other PA output can be terminated with 50 Ohms.
PA coupling outputs are over 10dB-20dB RF attenuators fed to two LimeSDR QPCIe receive inputs.
The on-board analogue multiplexer is used for selection of PA coupling output signals. The multiplexer input, the U.FL RF1, is dedicated for channel A receive input, while the U.FL RF3 is used as channel B input.
The analogue multiplexer output U.FL port RFC is connected to the U.FL LMS#1 RX1_W, which is used as DPD monitoring input.
LimeSuiteGUI settings
The CFR and DPD control is implemented in LimeSuiteGUI application. Follow the steps 1 to 8:
Copy the content of folder DPD/sw (the subfolders and QADPDconfig.ini) into folder that belongs to LimeSuiteGUI installation:
<LimeSuite install folder>/LimeSuite/build/bin
.Open a terminal in this folder.
Start the LimeSuiteGUI application with sudo:
sudo ./LimeSuiteGUI
Make the connection with the LimeSDR QPCIe board Options → Connection settings. Select the LimeSDR QPCIe board.
Read the LMS7002M INI configuration file
.In LimeSuiteGUI open the Calibrations tab, press buttons Calibrate Tx, then Calibrate Rx for static I/Q calibration.
Open the window Board related controls through Modules → Board Controls. When opened, read the FPGA configuration file (with extension
) which contains the CFRs settings and post-CFR FIR filter configuration. To do this press Read settings button and choose the file dedicated to 10MHz LTE waveform:FPGAsettings/FPGAsettings_10MHz.ini2
.Now, select the test waveform by Modules → FPGA controls, then select the 10MHz LTE waveform
. Check MIMO option and press button Custom to start the waveforms.