LimeDSP User Guides

Before CFR and DPD are started, the LMS7002 transceiver chip should be initialized and modulation waveforms started.

One option is to start the Amarisoft LTE stack, while the other option is to use LimeSuiteGUI to load LMS7002M configuration files and run test waveforms.

In the first option, during LTE start-up procedure, LMS7002M .ini files are automatically loaded in transceiver ICs. Additionally, the .ini2 FPGA configuration file is loaded, containing on-board FPGA gateware configuration, including information regarding CFRs and post-CFR FIR orders and filter coefficients.

In the second option, used for development and demonstration, a test waveform is uploaded and played from the on-board WFM RAM Blocks. The LimeSuiteGUI application is used in this case.

Before DPD, CFR & Equaliser are run please perform the steps that are described in Board Configuration Guide section.